Offering a range of amenities, Padamattingal Resort in Kovalam is an excellent choice for leisure travelers on a family trip. You can also mix business with pleasure by opting for this resort on a business trip. Express check-in and check-out, free newspaper, front desk, free parking, housekeeping on a daily basis and phone service are some of the facilities offered. Wi-Fi on an extra charge also caters to the corporate traveler who always needs to be connected on the go. A female traveller room suits to the needs of a lone woman travelling to the new city and caters to her every need making her feel at home. null
View MoreOffering a range of amenities, Padamattingal Resort in Kovalam is an excellent choice for leisure travelers on a family trip. You can also mix business with pleasure by opting for this resort on a business trip. Express check-in and check-out, free newspaper, front desk, free parking, housekeeping on a daily basis and phone service are some of the facilities offered. Wi-Fi on an extra charge also caters to the corporate traveler who always needs to be connected on the go. A female traveller room suits to the needs of a lone woman travelling to the new city and caters to her every need making her feel at home. null