Nestled in the heart of Seminyak, the upscale neighborhood area, and yet just a short walk to the beat of the action, where the nightlife and fine dining eateries lining the streets of Seminyak. Uma Sapna is a private villa complex inspired by contemporary design, is a reflection of Balis creative essence, featuring 18 one bedroom and 2 two bedrooms villas, scattered over the property, each protected for privacy.
View MoreNestled in the heart of Seminyak, the upscale neighborhood area, and yet just a short walk to the beat of the action, where the nightlife and fine dining eateries lining the streets of Seminyak. Uma Sapna is a private villa complex inspired by contemporary design, is a reflection of Balis creative essence, featuring 18 one bedroom and 2 two bedrooms villas, scattered over the property, each protected for privacy.