Hotel Vicky Plaza believes in rendering an amazing stay for all its visitors and thus offers a gamut of services that charms one and all. This budget hotel in Hanumangarh is one of the popular hotels in the vicinity. Therefore, the hotel knows well the need of its customers and it welcomes all with warm hospitality. The property has well-spaced and maintained rooms and the hotel staff is dutiful enough to cater one's need. Apart from this, it is within reach to other key destinations of the location. A host of facilities, such as breakfast, laundry, luggage storage and parking space, to name a few are rendered by the hotel. null
View MoreHotel Vicky Plaza believes in rendering an amazing stay for all its visitors and thus offers a gamut of services that charms one and all. This budget hotel in Hanumangarh is one of the popular hotels in the vicinity. Therefore, the hotel knows well the need of its customers and it welcomes all with warm hospitality. The property has well-spaced and maintained rooms and the hotel staff is dutiful enough to cater one's need. Apart from this, it is within reach to other key destinations of the location. A host of facilities, such as breakfast, laundry, luggage storage and parking space, to name a few are rendered by the hotel. null